Monday 26 March 2012

Do Gods have off days and other such queries

I have always wondered whether God(s) has/ve off days. I have used the uncertainty plural so that anyone with any religious non/belief can grapple with this profound question without feeling left out. It in itself is a very simple question. If I had asked myself this when I was sixteen I would have answered with 'God has no man-like properties. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.' Bam! End of story.

Umm... but now, this is a difficult question to answer. The world has taught me diplomacy. It has influenced me in such a way that I take a moment or too to actually phrase my answer, in fear of offending the person who is posing the question. This is very unfortunate because a simple yes or no answer would suffice to this question, because at the end of the day this is way less of a question than the eternal 'Rajni or Kamal', 'Lara or Sachin', 'Federer or Nadal' types of queries. (The answer to all three questions are worthy of many hours of argument) But let me not trivialize this issue.

I ask in all earnestness. The 'thing' is I think in a way which leads me to ask such questions. Yes, I ask a lot of questions, from a lot of people. At least I used to till I discovered Google and Wikipedia. But even now these splendid repositories of knowledge and algorithms cannot provide me with satisfactory answers.

Some of the questions I ask are plain weird, especially from people: One such question I surprise people with is "Will you feel sad when I die?". I know, very stupid question, right. Most of the people stumble, blush, look away and some actually say 'yes'. The reason why I ask this question is because I have a list, a list which has the names of people who I feel will cry when I die. By the way, the list is 219 names long.

Another point I learnt a long time ago is that when it comes to questions related to matters of the heart (not vascular, but metaphorically) it is a good idea to know the answer that you are going to get before posing the question. I know it sounds self-defeating, if you know the answer why ask the question in the first place, but I almost always follow the principle. I have heard this theory helps lawyers too. So if you know a person who thinks Nadal is a better player, then if you are a Federer fan, please avoid asking him who is the greater player. That way you will end up saving time, so that you may write blog posts like these.

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