Saturday 28 April 2012

In all earnestness

Sometimes  a moment of time seems to last an eternity. (*Disclaimer: I am not on acid, coke or any other such hallucinatory narcotics) I close my eyes, and that instant seems to be perfect. Everything, my conscience, my sense balance, my inner equilibrium, all of them align themselves into a perfect,coherent picture. The clarity which follows, the intensity which accompanies and the productivity which ensues is addictive. In vain I search for such moments all the time, but they are few and fleeting.

I love those moments. I sometimes think my whole life is worthwhile simply because of those moments. My brain practically brims over with dopamine (I can feel it) and I get this unimaginable 'high'. Let me dub these moments as 'joy'.

Now the cinch of my thesis in this piece is whether these 'joyous' milliseconds happen naturally or do they happen as a result of all the hardwork accumulated over time. Often times, luck or chance also play an important part in such discussions. Paraphrasing a person's quote which goes 'Luck often favours the tenacious' I truly believe every slice of fortune is a result of your effort towards achieving what you want.

I am an implicit believer in the school of thought that if you are happy for everything, you cannot truly be happy for anything. I know the statement sounds counter-intuitive. I mean, c'mon, if you are happy for everything it's a good thing, right. It means you have more happiness. But is that truly the case? Now will be the perfect time for me to come out and espouse my theory of 'what happiness is' and 'how it may be achieved', but I am going to spare all of you all that melodrama.

I believe understanding these 'moments' of sanity (yeah, let me call it that) is as simple as dissolving salt. Yes, take a pinch of salt and take a litre of water (or 4 quarts if you happen to live in USA, Liberia and two more countries) (my idea being that take an ample quantity of water, in relation to the pinch of salt) and what ensues is water with salinity. The same way, if all that effort was water, the 'moments' will be the pinch of salt. What remains after the water evaporates, are the memories of those moments.

Just that.

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